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5 Reasons Your LG Refrigerator is Not Cooling Properly

Nicole Eckel • Dec 09, 2022

Troubleshooting Your LG Refrigerator: 5 Reasons It May Not Be Cooling Properly 

If you’ve noticed that your LG fridge isn’t cooling as it should, don’t panic. There are a few common culprits that often cause this issue, and the good news is that many of them can be fixed with minimal effort. So before you call in a pro to take a look at your refrigerator, take some time to troubleshoot the problem yourself. Here are five potential reasons your LG refrigerator may not be cooling properly. 

1. The Temperature Setting Is Off:

It's common for a refrigerator's temperature setting to drift over time and become inaccurate. Start by checking the control panel on your LG fridge and make sure the temperature setting is correct based on what the manufacturer recommends for optimal food preservation. If it isn't, adjust the settings accordingly until you get the desired result. 

2. The Compressor Is Malfunctioning:

If adjusting the temperature doesn't do the trick, there may be an issue with your compressor—the device responsible for drawing in refrigerant and releasing hot air from inside your fridge. Listen closely for any unusual noises coming from your compressor or check to see if it's leaking any fluids; either of these could be indicators of something being wrong with it. 

3. The Gaskets Are Worn Out:

Gaskets are located around the door of your refrigerator, and they serve to keep cold air inside while preventing warm air from getting in—which means if they're worn out or broken (or even just slightly misaligned), they won't be able to do their job properly and will need to be replaced as soon as possible. 

4. The Evaporator Fan Motor Has Failed:

The evaporator fan motor is responsible for circulating cool air throughout your fridge; if it fails, then cool air won't reach all parts of your appliance and temperatures will rise accordingly. To test whether or not this is causing problems with cooling in your LG fridge, feel around different parts of its interior; if some areas are cooler than others, then there may be an issue with the evaporator fan motor that needs to be addressed right away. 

5 .The Condenser Coils Need Cleaning:

Condenser coils are responsible for releasing heat from inside the fridge so that it can remain cool; however, they tend to accumulate dirt over time which can reduce their efficiency significantly and lead to poor cooling performance as a result. Cleaning them periodically is recommended in order to keep them working properly; just make sure you unplug your LG refrigerator before attempting this task! 


It's normal for fridges to experience cooling issues every now and then; however, identifying exactly what's causing those issues can sometimes be tricky—especially if you're not familiar with how refrigerators work in general! Fortunately though, most issues related to Non Cooling Refrigerators involve one (or more) of these five issues discussed above—so if you think something might be wrong with yours, start by taking steps towards fixing them one at a time until you find success or call in one of our professionals to diagnose and repair your fridge today!

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