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Washing Machine Maintenance: Top Tips for Longevity

Nicole Eckel • Jun 12, 2023

Your washing machine is a workhorse that diligently cleans your clothes day in and day out. However, like any appliance, it requires regular care and maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity. By following a few simple tips, you can keep your washing machine running smoothly and extend its lifespan, saving you money on repairs or premature replacements. In this blog post, we will share valuable insights and top tips for maintaining your washing machine, so let's dive in!

Read the Manufacturer's Manual:

First and foremost, familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's manual that accompanies your washing machine. This essential document provides specific guidelines and instructions on maintenance, including cleaning, troubleshooting, and recommended usage. Understanding the unique features and requirements of your machine will empower you to care for it properly and avoid unnecessary damage.

Level and Balance Your Machine:

Proper installation is crucial for the smooth operation of your washing machine. Make sure your machine is leveled and balanced to prevent excessive vibrations during the spin cycle. Use a spirit level to check if the machine is balanced, and adjust the leveling feet if needed. Imbalanced machines can cause excessive wear and tear on internal components and may lead to premature failure.

Use the Correct Detergent and Amount:

Using the right detergent and the appropriate amount is vital for the longevity of your washing machine. Excess detergent can lead to residue buildup, clogged pipes, and decreased efficiency. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for detergent type and dosage. Additionally, consider using high-quality, low-sudsing detergents specifically formulated for high-efficiency (HE) machines.

Clean the Machine Regularly:

Over time, soap scum, lint, and mineral deposits can accumulate inside your washing machine, affecting its performance. Regular cleaning can prevent clogs, odors, and mold growth. Start by wiping down the drum, door, and rubber gasket after each use. Every few months, run an empty hot water cycle with vinegar or a washing machine cleaner to dissolve residue and eliminate bacteria.

Maintain the Drum and Gasket:

Pay attention to the drum and rubber gasket, as they can harbor moisture and grime. Leave the door open for a few hours after each wash to allow the drum to dry completely, preventing mold and unpleasant odors. Clean the gasket regularly with a mild detergent and water solution to remove any accumulated dirt or debris.

Check and Clean the Filters:

Many washing machines have filters that trap lint and debris from the laundry. Check your machine's manual to locate and clean these filters regularly. Clogged filters can impede water flow and strain the motor, leading to decreased efficiency and potential damage.

Avoid Overloading:

Resist the temptation to overload your washing machine. Overloading not only reduces cleaning effectiveness but also strains the motor and other components. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for load capacity to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

Inspect Hoses and Connections:

Periodically check the water hoses and connections to identify any signs of leakage or damage. Look for cracks, bulges, or signs of wear and tear. If you notice any issues, replace the hoses immediately to avoid potential flooding or water damage.

Protect Against Power Surges:

Power surges can wreak havoc on your washing machine's electrical components. Consider using surge protectors or unplugging the machine during electrical storms to safeguard it from voltage spikes. This simple precaution can save you from costly repairs or replacements.

Schedule Professional Maintenance:

While regular DIY maintenance is essential, scheduling professional maintenance is equally important. A qualified technician can inspect and service your washing machine, identifying potential issues before they become major problems. They can also perform tasks such as lubricating moving parts,replacing worn-out belts, and checking the electrical components for any signs of wear or malfunction. Professional maintenance ensures that your washing machine receives thorough care and helps prevent costly breakdowns in the future.

Use the Right Water Temperature:

Selecting the appropriate water temperature for each load is not only essential for cleaning your clothes effectively but also for the longevity of your washing machine. Hot water can be harsh on certain fabrics and may strain the heating element of your machine. Opt for warm or cold water whenever possible to minimize wear and tear on internal components.

Avoid Overusing Fabric Softeners:

While fabric softeners can leave your clothes feeling cozy and smelling fresh, excessive use can lead to residue buildup in your washing machine. Over time, this buildup can affect the performance of your machine and potentially cause clogs. Follow the recommended dosage and consider using alternative fabric softening methods such as dryer balls or vinegar rinses.

Address Issues Promptly:

If you notice any unusual noises, vibrations, leaks, or other irregularities during the operation of your washing machine, address them promptly. Ignoring these signs can lead to further damage and more costly repairs down the line. Contact a professional repair service to diagnose and resolve the issue before it escalates.

Protect Against Hard Water:

Hard water, characterized by high mineral content, can have a negative impact on your washing machine. Minerals such as calcium and magnesium can accumulate in pipes and components, leading to clogs and reduced efficiency. Consider installing a water softener or using water conditioners to minimize the effects of hard water and prolong the lifespan of your machine.

Unplug During Extended Periods of Inactivity:

If you plan to be away from home for an extended period, such as during a vacation or an extended leave, it's advisable to unplug your washing machine. This precautionary measure protects the machine from power surges and electrical issues that may occur in your absence.


By following these top tips for maintaining and extending the lifespan of your washing machine, you can ensure that it continues to function efficiently for years to come. From regular cleaning and proper detergent usage to scheduling professional maintenance and addressing issues promptly, these simple practices will save you money on repairs and replacements while keeping your clothes fresh and clean. Remember, a well-maintained washing machine is a reliable companion in your laundry routine.

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